What Is Your House Worth? Cash For Houses Can Help You Decide The Best Way To Sell Your House. Cash for Houses’ Program Includes an Assessment of Your Home’s “As-is”, Fixed-up, and MLS Values, Tailored To Your House, so You Can Decide the Best...
If you’re selling a house with renters inside they will need to be a primary consideration in how you sell the property, and you will need to have a plan for what information you’re communicating with them. Renters have rights to continue to live at the...
Don’t assume anything about what type of home improvement materials may be left behind at a house. If you’re selling a house to an investor you can likely strike a deal to leave behind whatever you don’t want. But if you’re listing the house,...
Sellers should be prepared for the likelihood of buyers hiring a home inspector to inspect the property if it is a market listing. These days there are additional inspection services buyers may choose from to have performed including radon testing, sewer line scoping...
Many people understand that the value of their home is primarily tied to the house’s location and size. But in determining the market value there are nuances and details that need to be considered. Market value, whether suggested by a realtor, appraiser or an...